Sam The Concrete Man Grand Rapids: Not Your Typical Concrete Man

Not Your Typical Concrete Man

Growing up, I remember my Dad having a “guy” for everything.  He had a “car guy,” an “HVAC guy,” an “Insurance Guy…” He even had a chimney sweep, if you can believe it.  Dick Vann Dyke from Mary Poppins, eat your heart out. The point here is that I don’t see much of that sort of thing anymore.  Seems like folks jump from job to job, team to team, idea to idea without ever following through or really digging in. No one buys anything in person anymore and it seems like everyone just goes to google each time they need something, rather than seeking out something that works and sticking with it!   When you have a “guy” or “gal” for something, you are loyal to them because they have proven themselves to be trustworthy advisors, and I’ll even go as far as to say, friends.  My Dad’s plumber was at my high school graduation…    

I want to be your “Concrete Guy.”  There’s a disclaimer, though…  I AM NOT your typical Concrete Man and here’s why…  I’m an English and Special Education teacher by vocation.  I have not one, but two advanced degrees. I’m a writer and a poet. I’m a voracious reader and an obsessive crossword puzzler (NYT crossword, of course.)  I love music and started taking piano lessons at 41. I’m also a conscientious project manager who is obsessed with building and maintaining relationships. I’m a tennis player, a pickle baller and a novice day trader.  In sum, I’m a baller, a shot caller, and an all around nice guy who would love  to make your acquaintance and help you solve your concrete needs.  I have impeccable customer service and the best crews in the business.  You will, and I’m not exaggerating this, ENJOY working with me and my crews.  That is a rare thing in this world… 

not your typical concrete man

How’s that for a breath of fresh air?

Now, I would NEVER disparage any other Concrete Man out there trying to make their way…  However, I have heard the horror stories…   Horrendous customer service, shoddy work, cutting corners, etc.  Just to name a few…  I AM DIFFERENT and here’s what you can expect from Sam The Concrete Man Grand Rapids: 

  1. I will show up on time with a smile on my face. 
  2. I will be clean, courteous, polite and professional. 
  3. I will listen to you and cater your project to your specific needs, schedule, etc. 
  4. I will Communicate and follow through with you so that you feel comfortable with the process.  
  5. I will answer your calls. 
  6. I will answer your texts. 
  7. Most importantly, I will see your project through from start to finish and  beyondwith no hassle on your part. 
  8. I will demonstrate good values and a killer work ethic before, during and after we complete your project. 
  9. I will be your “Concrete Guy” and you will be thrilled and delighted to work with me, that I can promise. 

I’m not going to lie and say that there are no other folks out there who can do a perfectly good job with your concrete needs.  The fact is that there are plenty of other concrete guys and gals out there.  What I am committed to, though, is doing an exceptional job, rather than just a good one…   Let me make this process easy for you.  You’ll be happy you did! 

I want to be your Concrete Guy!  Let’s do this thing! I’m not necessarily saying you have to invite me to your kid’s graduation, but I am saying that you just may want to 


Your consultant and concierge in Concrete, 

Nick Poirier—The Atypical Concrete Renaissance Man 

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